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  • What is Magna Petra?
    Magna Petra is a lunar resources company focused on the prospecting, extraction and return of helium-3 isotopes for a diverse set of terrestrial uses (defense, quantum computing, health care, nuclear fusion).
  • What does “Magna Petra” mean?
    “Magna Petra” is Latin for great, all important rock. One could argue the moon is the most important rock for the advancement of human ingenuity and industry.
  • What is helium-3?
    Helium-3 (³He) is a stable isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron, making it distinct from the dominant isotope, helium-4 (⁴He), which has two neutrons. This difference translates to significant energy, scientific and technological implications.
  • Is helium-3 different from the common helium we use on earth?
    Yes. Nearly all the helium we mine and use on earth (from balloons to airships) is helium-4. Helium-3 accounts for about 0.0001% of the helium on earth.
  • Can helium-3 be mined on earth?
    Helium-3 is extremely rare on earth. Processes that currently exist to procure helium-3 are trace separation, decay of tritium, and specific plasma fusion techniques. All of which are extremely energy intensive and yield results sparingly.
  • What is the current supply of helium-3?
    It is estimated that the total US supply of helium-3 has now dipped below 60 kilograms. Global supplies lag further behind by an order of magnitude.
  • Why is helium-3 so rare?
    Helium-3 is created via our sun through a process called nuclear fusion. As these molecules are released from the sun, they are carried outward by solar winds. The earth’s magnetosphere blocks these molecules from reaching the earth’s surface.
  • Why go to the moon to collect helium-3?
    The moon does not possess a magnetosphere strong enough to block these solar winds. Meaning for billions of years, helium-3 has been collecting on the lunar surface. It is the most cost effective and energy efficient way to secure the quantities needed for current and future demand.
  • How much helium-3 is on the moon?
    Previous estimates have the total yield at 1.1 million tons of helium-3 on the lunar surface. However reports from recent lunar lander missions by CNSA suggest that number is extremely conservative, and implementation of specific extraction techniques could see that yield climb anywhere from 2.5 to 25 times the previous estimate.
  • What is helium-3 used for?
    Currently, helium-3 is used primarily in isotope detection for national border security. Other uses include medical imaging, quantum computing, and scientific research. In addition to the current robust market demand for helium-3, there is a significant upcoming requirement for the isotope as the optimal fuel for nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion with helium-3, unlike all other fusion fuel sources, yields zero radioactive waste.
  • How is helium-3 used for national security?
    Helium-3 plays a crucial role in national security and border protection through its application in advanced detection systems. In border security, helium-3 is utilized in neutron detectors, which are essential for identifying nuclear and radiological materials. These detectors are highly sensitive and can detect even minute quantities of radioactive substances, making them invaluable for scanning cargo, vehicles, and luggage at ports of entry and border crossings. The unique properties of helium-3 allow for the creation of efficient and reliable radiation portal monitors, which are deployed at strategic checkpoints to prevent the smuggling of nuclear materials. In the broader context of national security, helium-3-based detectors are used in a variety of settings, from airports to seaports, to safeguard against nuclear terrorism and the illicit transportation of radioactive materials. The gas is also employed in certain types of handheld radiation detectors used by security personnel for more targeted inspections. Additionally, helium-3 finds applications in nuclear safeguard systems, helping to monitor and verify compliance with international nuclear non-proliferation agreements.
  • How is helium-3 used for quantum computing?
    Helium-3 plays an important role in the realm of quantum computing, particularly in the development and operation of certain types of quantum processors. One of its most significant applications is in dilution refrigerators, which are crucial for cooling quantum computers to the extremely low temperatures required for their operation. When mixed with helium-4, helium-3 creates a unique refrigerant capable of achieving temperatures close to absolute zero, a requirement for maintaining quantum coherence in many qubit designs. Additionally, helium-3 nuclei themselves can be used as qubits in certain quantum computing architectures. Their nuclear spins can be manipulated and measured to store and process quantum information. Some research also explores the use of helium-3 in quantum sensing applications, leveraging its quantum properties for ultra-sensitive measurements. As quantum computing continues to advance, the unique properties of helium-3 may open up new possibilities for qubit design, error correction, and quantum memory systems.
  • How is helium-3 used in health care?
    Helium-3 has several important applications in healthcare, particularly in medical imaging and diagnostics. One of its primary uses is in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology. When polarized, helium-3 can be inhaled by patients to produce high-resolution images of the lungs, providing detailed visualizations of lung structure and function that are difficult to achieve with conventional MRI techniques. This method, known as hyperpolarized gas MRI, is especially valuable for diagnosing and monitoring respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and cystic fibrosis. Additionally, helium-3 is used in neutron detectors for radiation therapy, helping to ensure precise dose delivery in cancer treatments. In nuclear medicine, helium-3 plays a role in the production of medical isotopes used for both diagnostic imaging and targeted radiotherapy. Research is also ongoing into the potential use of helium-3 in next-generation positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, which could offer improved resolution and reduced radiation exposure compared to current technologies. Furthermore, the ultra-low temperatures achievable with helium-3 refrigeration systems are crucial for certain specialized medical equipment, including some types of superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) used in magnetoencephalography for brain imaging.
  • What is nuclear fusion energy?
    Nuclear fusion, mimicking the Sun's energy production, merges light atomic nuclei to release vast amounts of energy. This immense energy can be harnessed for electricity generation, offering a clean and virtually limitless source of power. While experimentation with nuclear fusion has been an ongoing effort for decades, recent focus and investment has accelerated the timeline for the commercial production of fusion energy.
  • How is helium-3 used in nuclear fusion?
    Helium-3 is the optimal fuel for nuclear fusion reactors, offering several advantages over traditional fusion approaches. In a helium-3 fusion reaction, currently involving the fusion of helium-3 with deuterium (and direct helium-3 - helium-3 reactions on the horizon), the primary products are charged particles (protons and helium-4 nuclei) rather than neutrons. This characteristic is significant because it allows for direct conversion of fusion energy to electricity, increasing efficiency and reducing radioactive waste compared to other nuclear energy methods. The reaction also produces less residual radioactivity (to zero with helium-3 - helium-3 fusion), making it safer and easier to manage. In fusion power plants, helium-3 can be used in various reactor designs, including tokamaks and inertial confinement fusion systems. Future fusion schemes explore the possibility of helium-3-helium-3 reactions, which would be virtually neutron-free.
  • When will Nuclear fusion be commercially available?
    Significant governmental and private capital has been invested in a multitude of private companies developing the next phase of commercially viable nuclear fusion. Of these companies, Helion and Commonwealth in the US have emerged at the front of the pack. Commonwealth has pledged to have commercial fusion reactors up and running by 2029 whereas Helion has signed an agreement with Microsoft to produce energy via nuclear fusion for their new data centers by 2028.
  • Why is helium-3 important to nuclear fusion?
    For nuclear fusion to reach its peak efficiency with minimal to zero radioactive particle emission, helium-3 is needed as the fuel source.
  • What specifically does Magna Petra do?
    Magna Petra has spent years evaluating the commercial viability of helium-3 capture and return from the lunar surface. Our Digital Twin modeling, leveraging Stanford University’s supercomputers to simulate over 4 billion years of solar winds, gives Magna Petra unsurpassed insights into the distribution and density of helium-3 on the lunar surface. While the company designs and builds proprietary equipment for isotope extraction and containment, we are essentially integrating the proven systems of numerous heritage space equipment suppliers. Launch, mobility, and cargo return will leverage the strong and expanding ecosystem of lunar and cislunar companies and space agencies.
  • Does Magna Petra have patents for their extraction methodology and hardware?
    Yes, provisional patents were filed Q1 2024. Additionally, these patents have application to a broad spectrum of other space and lunar activities.
  • Do you need large/ heavy equipment to mine the isotopes?
    No. The term “mining” can be a bit misleading when talking about Magna Petra’s extraction processes. Our process only disturbs the first few centimeters of the lunar surface, as that is where the highest concentration of loosely/ unbonded isotopes live, having been deposited there by solar winds. Pairing our device with a rover, one can think of it more akin to a tractor pulling a till across the landscape. We disturb the regolith and collect the isotopes without the need for heavy digging or terrain manipulation.
  • How will the helium-3 be returned to earth?
    Upon extraction from the regolith, the isotopes are captured in pressurized containment vessels. Once the tanks are full, an outgassing procedure separates and expels heavier collected gasses while trapping the lighter helium-3. Once sufficient cycles are completed, the tanks are transferred from the robotic rover to the lunar lander for return to earth. Upon reaching earth, the payload is downmassed to earth's surface for distribution.Transportation and downmassing will be provided by lunar and cislunar ecosystem partners.
  • What is the current price of helium-3?
    The price of helium-3 is reflective of its short supply. Current market price is between $30,000 to $50,000 per gram.
  • What are the international laws on helium-3 extraction and return from the moon?
    Nothing in the Outer Space Treaty (“OST”) prohibits the undertaking of In Situ Resource Utilization ("ISRU") activities, and several national legislations explicitly authorize it (incl. US, Luxembourg, UAE) By signing the (US-sponsored) Artemis accords, countries endorse the possibility of undertaking ISRU. The OST guarantees freedom of activities in space and on the Moon, and states that space activities shall be the province of all mankind. Further, There is no obligation to report activities to other countries and international organizations. Similar to other activities in outer space, governments and countries are not obligated to share information about their activities in detail. Countries also in principle shall inform other countries in case of interference or potential harmful activities which 1) is not the case in ISRU anyway , and 2) as a matter fact is not a binding principle, since many countries conduct activities in space conflicting with the interests of other countries There is today a principle of freedom of activity, with likely a need to coordinate at the international level once lunar operations become more widespread.
  • Is this extraction sustainable?
    Magna Petra’s extraction methodologies have virtually zero impact on the lunar surface. The word “mining” may make one think of drilling, explosions or excavation, but our process does none of that. We have designed the process to simply shake the very top layer of regolith without the need to even move or process any of the material. Even after years of activity, our footprint will be almost unnoticeable.
  • What is the timing of your missions?
    There are two categories of missions planned - reconnaissance and return. Currently planned reconnaissance missions will utilize scientific instruments provided by NASA, on lunar transport provided by SpaceX, iSpace, Astrobobotic, and Intuitive Machines (“IM”). Collection and return missions will be both robotic and manned. The robotic mission could fly as early as 2027, with several of the partners identified for the reconnaissance mission(s).. Magna Petra has partnered with Venturi Astrolab to fly as a mission payload on NASA’s Artemis 3 manned mission, currently scheduled for 2027.
  • How do you know where the helium-3 is located?
    Understanding of helium-3 distribution on the lunar surface comes from a combination of theoretical models, remote sensing data, and analysis of lunar samples. The primary source of helium-3 on the Moon is the solar wind, and its distribution is influenced by factors such as surface exposure time and topography. Lunar samples returned by Apollo and Luna missions provided initial direct evidence of helium-3 presence. Subsequently, orbital missions have used instruments like neutron spectrometers and spectral reflectance analyzers to map lunar surface composition, indirectly indicating potential helium-3 concentrations. These methods, combined with geological mapping of lunar regolith age and topography, have helped scientists estimate helium-3 distribution.(18,15) Additionally Magna Petra’s Digital Twin modeling, leveraging Stanford University’s supercomputers to simulate over 4 billion years of solar winds, gives Magna Petra unsurpassed insights into the distribution and density of helium-3 on the lunar surface as well as a multivariate optimization application to fine-tune optimal rover pathways and isotope yield densities.

© 2024 Magna Petra

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